Rosie-Bud Summer Wrapped! My year in articles!


Do you ever get to a milestone and feel a bit rubbish? New years, for example, or birthdays. I woke up this morning on the 1st of January and I'm feeling a tad flat. However, I know that right now I feel this way because I'm not thinking of the right things from the past year. I need to change my perspective. Because although parts of this year haven't gone the way I thought, I've also done some amazing things and conquered personal achievements. 

To prove this to myself and collate them in one place, I've made a list of the brilliant parts of 2022...

Rosie-Bud Summer Wrapped!...

1. This year I've spent a lot more time with my baby nephew George. He's such a lovely and happy little boy and it's always a joy to look after him <3. 

- I made him laugh for the first time and have been doing so ever since.
- He learnt to walk and now you near enough have to run after him.
- He *kind of* says my name. Definitely a bit of selective hearing there though!

2. I started the year completing my 5th ever memory blanket... 

3. I designed and released my first ever (free) Spring bunting...

4. I met one of my favourite authors, Beth O'Leary and was just a tad nervous...

6. I watched my big sister graduate...

7. I saw Little Mix live in concert for their last (for now) tour and they were incredible! Safe to say my obsession only grew...

8. Got candid about my experience with anxiety. This was one of those posts that flowed so naturally and comfortably...

9. Saw Waitress (the musical) live and met Matt Willis...

10. Took a holiday to Cala Millor where I had a gorgeous girls' trip...

11. Started a positive quotes Instagram account, Warm and Rosie!

12. Perhaps the biggest thing... I started University and have been loving it!

This has led to amazing things and personal achievements, such as...

- Writing for the student-led magazine and becoming a News Editor! I've met some really lovely people through doing this too which I'm so grateful for.

- Managing to talk in front of larger groups of people than I'm used to.

- Getting back to learning new creative techniques which I love.

- Becoming a student ambassador (I've tried to throw myself into Uni life as much as possible guys)

Thank you for reading my blog post and throughout 2022 if you're a returning reader.

Best wishes for 2023 (the year I turn 25 eek). 

Big love,
Rosie xx


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