Hello WarmAndRosie!


Welcome back to those of you that have visited before and those that are new.

This week I have started a new Instagram account! @warmandrosie. Yes, this is my 3rd so I am now officially juggling the world of Instagram.

I've started this new account to share positive quotes and affirmations that I find really helpful, motivational and inspiring. I collect quotes like this anyway and like to share them or send to friends, so I thought why don't I share some of my own? 

I'm a big believer in sharing positivity. Positive or 'deep' messages have helped me in my life to get through challenges and make decisions and I feel like if hearing the right thing at the right time truly helps then why not share them to help others? Especially in regards to anxiety when controlling your nerves can be so hard and it's scrolling through your phone to read quotes that helps you through.

So feel free to take a look at my account. Let me know on Instagram If you've come from my blog as I'd love to know who's reading.

Take care and I'll be back soon,

Bud xx

Previous post: Meeting Beth O'Leary at a book signing!


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