My creative projects of Jan, Feb & March 2021

My creative projects - big and small- of January, February and March 2021. Let's start with March and work our way backwards...


I've had fabric and paper painted with cyanotype chemicals shut tightly in a dark space for around two years. Now that spring is here (my favourite time of the year!) I thought now would be the perfect time to waken them from their slumber and see if they've still got some life in 'em. Either way, cyanotype blue is such a beautiful electric colour that I'm confident I'll have use for them. 

The result isn't the typical blue and white effect as the designs have come out only slightly; some stronger than others. I'd guessed the outcome would be solitary blue and not transfer the design at all, so this is a result at the very least. I'll be sure to get full use out of these testers.

Rolo Cookie bars

My sister and I decided to make these gorgeously yummy Rolo cookie bar treats, from the Janes' Patisserie blog. 

Excuse the messy presentation...the cookie bars were gone before I'd thought about the perfect shot! I'll leave the link to Jane Patisserie's' blog here as they are super easy to make and so very delicious. 

George's bunting 

Something wonderful to come out of lockdown is that I have a new baby nephew called George. He is utterly scrummy and I'm looking forward to cuddles when it's safe to do so. 
The one request to my offer of a helping hand was that George gets personalised bunting for his bedroom. I went through my stash of fabric and found a bunting kit with the perfect colours, so I added my own embellishment.


If ever I have a cinema day at home (the dream) I can now supply my guests with warm cinnamon coated churros as I learnt to make them early this month. 

At first, I supplied a very small nozzle which meant that the churros were tiny but they soon grew thicker and they were delicious. It's quite a laborious task squeezing them into the pan of hot oil, cooking them then rolling them in cinnamon sugar- all of which had to be done at a rapid pace. So two pairs of hands were required and fairly tired at the end of it. 
I've got to say, though, I quite like tasks like this where after a while you know what you're doing and the result happens fast.

Notes to anyone making these, the aroma of oil fills the house, which is something to keep in mind.

Banana cake/bread

It took me almost a full year to hop on board the banana bread wagon but now it's done. A lockdown bucket list completion...

*I forgot to take a picture! Only now I'm'd think I'd remember to get visuals after having this blog for 3 years*

…featuring bananas, chocolate (which added a popular gooey texture), and all the other ingredients- You won't have trouble finding a recipe, just look to your neighbors' Instagram!

Mothers day card

My mum appreciates homemade cards and so for mothers day, as I've done for the past few years, I used my papercraft skills to make a 3D flower bunch. I say pops out a little. 

She was very pleased and the message inside made her teary, safe to say I won mothers day.

Upholstered memory board

I bought this memory board from a vintage emporium many moons ago, however, I started to find that after a while I didn't love it. Something about it didn't seem to feel right, but I loved the main floral pattern, and so I decided to turn to my craft supplies for new embellishments. Before:

…After. I appreciate the result- much more grown-up. I swapped the ribbon for an off-white ribbon with texture and clear buttons.

Although I love that I now know these boards' structure, I'm looking forward to the day when I won't have time for small tweaks like this. Lockdown life I guess.

Bunting- commission 

Bunting commissioned for a baby girls bedroom, with a Dumbo-the-flying-elephant theme. 

I've spoken more about this in this blog post here.

Memory quilt

This quilt was a commission and since then I've begun working on another. I've written an in-depth look at the process here.

- Ice cream masks

The most wonderful compliment to start off my 2021 was being asked to design and make these masks for an Ice cream company. The masks were worn at the funeral of their grandad who started the company and will be worn during ice cream seasons this year. Obviously, it was for a very sad reason but I'm touched to be a part of honouring a loved one in a special way.

I've spoken more about these masks here.

 - Camouflage masks

Face coverings in a camouflage print, and made from actual uniform. These masks currently feature on my Etsy shop, which I'll leave here.

I also made scrunchies from the same material to match, which you can get with each purchase.


Thank you for reading my blog post. 

To the small community of followers I've built up on this blog (and anyone reading), I hope you've managed to have a safe and positive start to the year. It's such a crazy thing that's happening for all of us and I think it's important to remember that we're all in the same boat. We're all going through ups and downs and this bizarre every day. Stay safe, be kind, talk to the people you love and do what's best for you. 
Sometimes I feel really rubbish and unproductive and unconnected, and then I'm reminded that we're experiencing a pandemic, there's no right way to feel. There will be others feeling the same way. In a way that I don't understand, that's comforting because it isn't just me. 

Do what's best for you and know that what you're doing and feeling is ok. It's also ok to keep needing that reminder.

I hope that helps in some way.

Big love and stay safe,

Buddy xx

Previous post: My beautiful new bookshelf!

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