*All The Films I Watched In 2018* / Film & Tangent

....For the first time.

I am most definitely a fan of films. I love stories and sometimes you can catch one that stays with you always. Or one that you can watch for a feel-good effect. I find myself constantly referencing things in real life with a scene, quote or visual from a film. As an artist I'm inspired by things around me and experiences, you can't leave a film, book or even end a day being exactly the same person as before.

Here are the films I watched last year, some have stayed with me and some have passed by...

BAD Moms
A film I was excited for as the trailer was very funny, but admittedly I didn't love this film.
The premise, I think, is that no parent is perfect. The film dramatises 'bad mums' to highlight the pressure put on mothers these days to be perfect. A pressure that they put on themselves and or feel from others.

Everything, Everything
Something I watched on a Sunday afternoon with my mum which I like, but the film didn't do it for me. It's an interesting story, I just couldn't...connect? I'm not sure that that's the word I'm looking for but it's just not one for me.

Stuck On You
I've kind of seen this film previously- and by 'kind of' I mean that I've seen it in chunks but don't recall ever seeing the entirety of it sequentially. It's a good, funny film looking at conjoined twins and their strength as a pair. They are skilled as a pair and as any two siblings, they are very different. We see one very confident and outgoing brother who wants to become an actor and we have another brother who has stage fright. Of course, they are always together and are forced to find a balance.


47 Metres Down
Just explaining a particular scene in this film to a friend, we both had that unexplainable scared but excited feeling. 
The scene of the topic is when a girl that is at the bottom of the ocean swims upwards towards a saviour boat with a glowing light. She has to do this very slowly so she doesn't get decompression sickness, which allows nitrogen to come out of your blood, forming bubbles in the brain. 'The Bends' can cause death. 
All the while she is very aware of man-eating sharks surrounding her, swimming in the shadows. Her light runs out and by the time she gets the new one out a shark is revealed, open-mouthed, mere feet away from her. 

Pitch Perfect 3
I loved this film! Really loved it and oh how I sang the songs for weeks after. I loved the first two and was pleased to find out that the third is my favourite.

Great feel good film and highly recommended.

Table 19
Not for me, I'm afraid. 
Even though I watched this ages ago I still remember a bit about it. I like the idea of a table at a wedding, the 'randoms' table, can band together and help each other out. They are all so different but they are what each other needs at that time.

When We First Met
Total honesty: I wasn't into this film. 
I watched it in good company, eating chocolate. Last year I decided that I was going to give up chocolate until Easter and not realizing that it was the first day of lent, I ate Terry's Chocolate Orange. Whoops!

Collateral Beauty
Pre-watch I had reservations. I worried that the film would be very serious and upsetting. I'm not a fan of the emotional and serious films- I stop watching the Notebook when I know things aren't going to be sunshine anymore. I really enjoyed this film, I also don't remember it being too heavy.

Game Night
I loved this film! I saw it at the cinema and had to try and suppress my laughter- well it was five minutes after the joke and about the time that I let it go. The people that know me are able to recognise that my laugh is crossed between a mouse and a monkey. Very similar to Arthur Christmas's laugh!

Anyway, a great film and very funny. Side note: Racheal Mcadams is one of my favourite actresses.

Baby Driver
Nay rather graphic, I quite enjoyed it. This was the first film I saw Lily Collins in and I fell for her charms. I liked the music, the fast pace and brightly coloured cinematography. 

Love, Simon
Recently I watched this film for the second time. I praise the creatives behind the film as I think it's wonderful that Simon didn't live up to stereotypes. He was just himself and acting upon how he feels rather than saying: "yep, I'm into guys this means I'm going to change my likes, dislikes, how I dress and everything about myself".

I enjoy old movies and the quality of them, which urged me to watch this one. I actually can't remember liking or disliking this one. I'm going to say I was indifferent.
Funnily enough, this day I remember was during the summer and I was visited by a Peacock. I managed to get the closest distance I've ever been to one. They're beautiful but they scare me.

This movie made me excited because there is a scene in a dark room and because I had recently learnt how to do darkroom processes. No exaggeration, the darkroom is my favourite place in the world.

At this point, I was listening to a lot of Carrie Hope Fletcher who has sung covers of songs from this Disney film. I say 'at this point' I'm literally listening to Carrie singing right now with Oliver Ormson.
I wasn't too overcome with love for this one. It's the type of film that I reckon I would have a sentimental attachment to if I watched it when I was younger. 

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
I saw this at the cinema when I went to see Demi Lovato in concert and it was cancelled. For the first part of the film, I sat with a feeling of disappointment, obviously because of the concert not happening not because of the film. As it progressed I was involved in the huge dinosaurs right in front of my face. 
I think it's an amazing experience to see these kinds of films on a big screen; fantasy based movies with breathtaking visual effects.

(The concert did end up happening and there's a blog post about it here: SEEING DEMI LOVATO IN CONCERT/ TANGENT )

Oceans 8
*Whispers* I've never seen the other Oceans movies. I enjoyed this one, though.  A question I have is how did they film the Met Gala scenes? 

Mamma Mia 2: Here We Go Again
My favourite film of the year! Hence the visuals for this blog coming from a recent Mamma Mia movie night. I wrote a blog post about this movie, which you can find here: MAMMA MIA! HERE WE GO AGAIN/ REVIEW & TANGENT

Colourful and happy, the two characteristics I love in a film. However, I wasn't captivated by this one. That's not to say that I didn't enjoy the story and that it didn't leave a mark on me, It's just not one I'm rushing to watch again anytime soon. 

Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them
I'm going to watch this film again soon as I don't feel I can give a proper comment unless watching it the whole way through. What do you expect when two sisters have a catch up on the same night as the Fantastic Beasts movie night? 

Mary Poppins Returns
I don't recall watching the whole original Mary Poppins film when I was younger, only snippets. But since hearing about the old one in the hype of the new one I've realised that some of the songs that get stuck in my head are from the original movie. Who knew? 

Enjoyable and recommended if you're a fan of magic and fantasy in the real world.

Arthur Christmas
I think Arthur is adorable and the story is very cute. I will most probably watch it again at Christmas time.

Thank you very much for reading this fairly long blog post.

Love Buddy Summer! xx

PS: Happy one year! I have a little something I want to share to celebrate my blog being a one-year-old- but unfortunately, this has to wait just a little while longer until it's ready.

Lots of Love!

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