Max Magic by Stephen Mulhern and Tom Easton ~ Book Review

Book: Max Magic

Author: Stephen Mulhern & Tom Easton

Note: No spoilers featured

Where to find the book: 


A fun and inspiring book for kids!

I can’t wait to give this book to my nephew (age 8) who I have no doubt will love it.
Firstly, the illustrations throughout are brilliant! It adds animation to the book which I think children will really enjoy. I also like the blue edge!

I love that it’s written as if Max, the main character, is talking to the reader. I imagine this to really engage children and create a connection to Max. Especially given that it features magic tricks and activities for the reader to get involved with, children are going to find this very exciting.

In the book, Max deals with bullies. This is an important aspect of the story as we see Max’s attitude and confidence shift. The audience will have experienced bullying at this age, whether it’s personally or having seen it, so to read about Max is a great way of connecting to this character and hopefully feeling less alone.

Max has a great attitude, meaning that the story features a lot of encouragement throughout. Exactly what I’d like my nephew to be reading.

Overall very good book!


Thank you for reading this week's book review. I’ll be back very soon with another blog post.

Max magic is currently only £3.99 on Amazon.

Big love and happy reading,
Bud xx


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