On the Island by Tracey Garvis Graves / Book Review

Book: On the Island 

Author: Tracey Garvis Graves

Year of release: 2011

Note: Spoilers pre-warned towards the end

I couldn't tell you the combination of literary ingredients it takes to make a fantastic book that I could happily read again tomorrow (even after just having read it for the fourth time) because only Tracey Garvis Graves has the recipe. And It's not only me who would quite happily open up the first page and start reading again because family have said it and wider reviews too. This book is brilliant and holds a place with only one other on my number 1 spot for all books I love. 

Wanting to start the year off with a positive, and very pleased to have been given my own copy for Christmas, I returned to a book that holds a special place in my heart. On the Island. Blurb:


When thirty-year-old English teacher Anna Emerson is offered a summer job tutoring T.J. Callahan at his families holiday home in the Maldives, she accepts without hesitation.

T.J. is almost seventeen and as if having had cancer wasn't bad enough, he now has to spend his first summer in remission with his family- and a pile of overdue essays - instead of his friends.

Anna and T.J. are en route to join T.J.'s family in the Maldives when the pilot of their seaplane suffers a fatal heart attack and crash lands in the Indian ocean. Marooned on an uninhabited island, Anna and T.J. work together to obtain water, food, fire and shelter...


The gap between last reading this book and now is roughly 4 years and although I knew the story, I was surprised to find that not absolutely everything had stayed in my memory. Which made reading it again all the more enjoyable because my mind was still paying attention. Even then, these two endure so much that I still constantly wanted to turn the page to read what happens. 

It's so well written and such an easy read in that you can put yourself in their shoes. I was always thinking Would I know that If I was deserted?. It's an overwhelming feeling of what would I do? when you're down the rabbit hole of thought and I believe that what's so special about this book is that I felt like I was there with them. In feeling this way, it's as if they are living realistically in a scenario a lot of us have considered. How many times have you heard someone ask who would you like to be stuck with on a deserted island? Or what book would you want to have with you if you were stuck on a deserted island? 

Tracey's writing is so deliciously detailed. The story is told from the perspective of both T.J. and Anna which means that you're getting to know them both very well. Specifically, T.J. who you're growing and changing with. He's at a point in his life where if he were living his normal he would be starting a new chapter into adulthood and growing into someone new. We see this in the story, simultaneously having his previous cancer diagnosis in the back of our minds.

I would love to see this translated into a film, if so I imagine this actress as Anna: JoAnna Garcia Swisher.

I don't have any one particular in mind for T.J. but I'd love to hear other readers ideas.

Spoilers below

Spoilers until the next image

Another thing that's so special about this book is seeing their relationship blossom into something so real. You're rooting for them to stay alive and worrying about one leaving the other alone on the island or them both dying.

It's a unique love story that I had never read before this book. It made me think about society's norms and how typically the man in a girl/boy relationship is older. The difficulties in their age gap become apparent towards the end of the story but ultimately having had this experience they found that they'd created an unbreakable bond. It always warms my heart at the end when they get to live their lives safe and happy.

It's interesting how not having the distractions of everyday life can force you into feeling your feelings.

Touching, heartfelt, captivating, a page-turner...all I could ask for in a book. Overall a brilliant story that makes me fall in love with reading all over again. I can't wait to read more from this author. 


As ever, thank you for reading my book review. I've wanted to review this for such a long time and share how amazing it is, but it turns out that sometimes it can be hard to put your feelings on the best books into words. 

I hope to the universe that I don't experience the trials and disasters that appear in this story.

Big love and keep safe,

Buddy xx

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