Sunshine, July and Daily Tangents #29 Little

...No, my hands aren't this tiny, I discovered giant daisies on my walk. They would completely cover the palm of my hands!

Hello and welcome to the start of another blog every day in July post. I hope you've been enjoying them if you've followed them at all. If this is your first, then welcome. There are 28 for you to catch up on.

Today's post (again a bit late and I apologise) is based on the word Little. I've always been very interested in paths and the routes we take in life that lead us to where we are. I also think we grow and change and the happenings on the path help to do this. 
Just yesterday I found a photograph of my Mum and Dad on their wedding day a very long time before I was born. My dad looks incredibly different yet I can see that it is him. But it feels weird to me that the man in the photograph, with the cheesy grin and the perm hairstyle, is my dad; and not just because of the perm. We are all little once, then we get older and the past selves will always be the littler version of us now.

Some time ago I was watching a video by Carrie Hope Fletcher. The video is called Where do you see yourself in 5 years? and in it, she looks at the questions she had previously answered 5 years before. In just five years she could see the change in herself. Therefore I've decided that I would like to answer the same set of questions. In five years time, I hope to look back and see if the me now is on the same wavelength as the me in five years time. Here goes...

Do you believe in love at first sight?
I do not. I think that you can find someone attractive when you first set eyes on them. I also feel like you can fancy someone, find out that they're not a great person and then not find them as attractive anymore. I fall in love with things, however, very quickly. For example, the oil pastel artwork I picked up from a charity shop last week or a new item of clothing that I will be obsessed with for weeks. 

What do you do for fun?
I create! There's is absolutely nothing I love more than getting a project and just running away with it. I love how passionate I find myself when I explore a topic. I have an obsession with creating, as you may guess from my crazy blog every day in July Idea, and very much like Carrie, I have a desire for projects and tasks with an outcome that makes me go: yeah I spent my time well today. I want to feel proud of my use of time and what I've done. 
My second answer would be movies and stories. I love the cinema and having movie nights in with takeaway Pizza. I read quite a bit- not as much as I used to lately but a fair amount I'd say. I love stories and finding myself immersed in the fiction and even the behind the scenes.

Do you want/ do you have any children?
I do not have children and I find that I change my mind a lot as to whether I want to have children or not. It's not a decision I'm putting pressure on myself to decide right now.

If you won a lottery, how would you spend your millions?
This is a very cliche answer but I would save a lot of it. I would put some towards a house and my future so that I'm set up for the rest of time. I would also give a lot to my mum and dad as pay you back type gesture. And obviously I would have a room for creating and art; a darkroom and screenprinting room. I don't think one person needs millions so I would use a great deal of it to help out other people; be it charities or people around me.

Which is the first celebrity crush you ever had?
The earliest big crush I remember having was David Tennant. It was when I saw him as the tenth Doctor in Doctor Who and I can actually remember the first moment the crush began. That crush was real guys. It lasted a very long time.

Are you a morning person or a night person?
I find that I am most creative in the evening and I write more at this time. My writing just seems to flow really nicely when I have that pressure of having to go to sleep soon. Of course, then I get to bed and all these ideas pop up. Keep them coming universe! On the other hand, I love mornings and the potential the start of a day brings. I'm both!

If you have friends coming over, what would you cook?
I am not fantastic at cooking so I think I would duck out of this one by doing a make your own pizza evening. And actually, I think this is a good idea because it's fun to make your own pizza and no one has to worry about what to eat because you're making your perfect meal yourself. 

If you could travel back in time, what single mistake would you correct in your life?
There have been multiple times when anxiety has taken over and I haven't done certain things. These are all fairly little in the grand scheme of things and some occasions I don't regret not doing but I think it's the little things that would have helped the bigger. 
Other than that, I agree with Carrie in that I wouldn't want to go back and tell little me something incase it changes things drastically. 

Where do you see yourself in 5 years time? 
When I was little, I looked at people in their 20s and thought they were adults. I thought that I would definitely have my stuff together by then and I even had plans to move to New York by 20! The exact moment I planned this was when I was walking through my school at 8 years old and thinking about a Hilary Duff film I had loved at the time. She moves to New York in the movie and so I wanted to as well. Although I haven't moved there, I have been and it was awesome! (you can read about that here)
But you don't have everything together in your twenties which is only something I've learnt now I've entered them. No one knows what there doing and maybe not even who they are, which is discovered at various ages. I've now discovered that creativity is the area and direction I am my best in which is a huge leap from 15-year-old me who did not know what I was going to do in life. 
I hope to be in a creative career that I am so obsessed with and love so much. I hope to be happy and content. If I'm improving in my craft and developing in what I create and doing fun projects with wonderful people then that would be everything. By typing this I'm putting it out into the universe.


I'm going to end this post with a little letter to little me...

Dear little me,

One day you are going to be in a world that feels very different from your world now. You are going to grow to a medium height- a fair height I'd say-, possess lots more freckles (but don't worry, you love them!) and weigh heavy with a passion for creativity. 

One day you will look at a picture of your classmates (the class you're with now) and see just how much growth can be done. You won't recognise the new parents, the friends for seasons and reasons, the homeowners, the university students, the people that can drive...goodness me, it will be a shock to see some of them on the road! 

Through the years you will look at the people you grew up with and worry about your speed in this race. But really, there's no race. You walk along at your pace and do what feels right for you. Although, I'd like you to promise me that you will take a couple steps out of the comfort zone we've given ourselves.

Stand taller and have belief in yourself that you can. There is creativity in those hands and you will do more than what you dream of because you made it happen. Look at those little fashion designs in your homemade booklet. You have actually made outfits now. No spoilers but good things have come from what you create. 

So please don't rush to be an adult. That Desperate Housewives boxset can wait (talking mainly to 12-year-old me now). Keep drawing and painting and following what you love. 

All my love. 

Thank you for reading! I will see you soon with day 30: Volcano

Buddy xx

PS: Volcano will be posted a day later as have the past few. I feel that there is a lot I can put into it but with that, I need more time than what I have now at midnight on the 30 of July. 

Yesterday's Post: #28 Sing

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