Sunshine, July and Daily Tangents #26 Introduce

If my family, friends or acquaintances had to describe me to someone, I wonder what they would say? 

A few times recently I have been in situations where I've been described to people that I've never met before. I've been approached with the introduction "Hi are you, Buddy?" 
Either, I'm wanted for a workshop tutorial or I've done good things and people want to talk to me about them, I'm being passed on a message or I've left something behind somewhere and I'd forgot to tell the person I was chatting to my name so they have to describe me in order to reunite me with my lost item. And of course, this is a good thing because I'm being mentioned in a positive light and these people want to spread me around- this reads very odd but I hope you know what I mean. 

But then it begs the question, what exactly did they say? I'm then faced with this new person who has been told the correct things because they've found me but I'm stood talking to them and thinking; Do I live up to what they've said? Is there a part of me that their thinking: ah I know what they mean now

I think about the part of me they notice first: is it my red hair? My big eyes, the freckles dotted around my face? My height, my stripy top- Guaranteed I'm almost always in a stripy top; I am right now as I write this! My nose, my lip colour, my body shape?

Realistically it will all be positive things that they've said and I'm not saying there will be negatives, I just feel very curious. It's a strange feeling to know you've been mentioned in conversations.

The same goes for when you meet someone for the very first time who you've never met and didn't know existed until the moment you walk into the room. I know that sometimes I will see someone for the very first time and as I get to know them their face changes slightly. This happens in a more familiar sense. You're are talking to them often and so you notice the shape of their eyes or the multiple tones in their hair; their smile is different from afar because there are details you miss. 
Have you ever sat watching a film when the person next to you says that the actor on the screen looks like someone you both know? You will either be like: absolutely not or I thought that too. The absolutely not part comes from two different people seeing this person in different ways. I've been paired with two people in my history and both of them I have always said Really?

Under the umbrella of this topic, I wanted to share how I introduce myself to new people. I often feel very anxious in situations where I don't know anyone or not many people and I find it the best thing for me to do to introduce myself. I smile and say my name or I begin with a compliment. The latter always makes that person smile and perhaps they'll feel more comfortable in the new surroundings that you're both in. 
It's easier to get to know people when you're in a creative environment, like a classroom, and share a common interest because then you have the opportunity to talk about what they are working on. I found it a great way of getting to know someone to help them out with things like helping them get from A to B. You get to chat and get to know them but also they are more willing to help you out which builds a team.
I find that I get approached a lot with people wanting my help with a creative or mundane task or a query because I've stepped out and shown them that I'm approachable and friendly. It's completely daunting when you don't know the people around you. 

Let me know if this works for you and if you've ever wondered what people notice about you first. 

As ever, thank you for reading today's post. 3 in one day! You lucky lucky people. I will see you tomorrow with day 27: Mix.


Buddy xx

Yesterdays Post: #25 Hair

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