The World at your Feet ~ Children’s Book Review/ Gift Ideas

The world at your feet by Karl Newson and Clara Anganuzzi is a beautifully illustrated picture book exploring a child and their animal friends as they discover that it’s ok to try new things without knowing how they’ll turn out.

I read this to my 1 1/2 year old nephew and I found it very sweet and inspiring. I read it at a time when I was about to make a big jump in my life and go to university so the message of giving things a go even when you aren’t sure of the result was very apt. I don’t think my nephew got a message quite as profound as I did but there’s still time for this to become a regular at auntie Bud's house! 

There are lots of animals that you can point to with young children and teach them the names and sounds they make. My nephews at this point currently and having a book that you can read regularly is a good way of getting them to learn names. 

Overall it’s a great book for adults as much as it is for children. I love this aspect of teaching adults the very simple lesson of it’s ok and it will be ok. 

The quote I like is sometimes goodbye is another hello…it’s ok to give it a try.

Beautifully illustrated, lovely and a positive book I’ll continue to read to the children in my life!

Where to find the book:

Thank you for reading!

Big love and stay safe,

Bud xx


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