Natural world collection - Etsy shop update!

'Tell me you have an obsession with flowers without telling me you have an obsession with flowers...' 

*looks at camera roll*

For the past few years, particularly this past year, I've been pulling my camera out whenever I see beautiful flowers. Snapping away whilst my walking partner moves on thinking I'm right behind them.
I have a nature-inspired Instagram account and you could most likely tell from my wardrobe that I have a huge adoration of these natural beauties.

So without really meaning to, I have built up a catalogue of floral photographs with no real intention for them. There's always the 'well maybe I'll sit down and draw them...' but when will I get to this? Actually saying that I did paint my favourite of the bunch last week. Ultimately, however, a photograph of the real thing can't be beaten. 

I thought, if I'd love to have these beautiful flowers on my walls, then maybe others do too. So voila, a new collection of photography prints are available to purchase on my Etsy!


- Photographs were taken by myself

- Available only on my Etsy. (More details found here)

- Taken in the UK

'Centranthus' aka 'Red Valerian' - Portrait


'Callistemon' aka Bottle brushes

'Hebe Sapphire'

'Hebe Sapphire' - bush

'Hebe Sapphire' - Close up

'Aster Amellus' aka 'King George'

'Aster Amellus' aka 'King George'

'Centranthus' aka 'Red Valerian' - Landscape


Thank you for reading. I hope you love my photographs as much as I do! 

These prints would make lovely gifts or pieces to put up on the wall. They're very bright and colourful and have managed to brighten up my living spaces. I picture them in baby bedrooms too which would be so so adorable.

Link to my Etsy shop: BuddySummerCreates Etsy shop

Big love and keep safe,

Bud xx

Previous post: Making bunting from old clothes - Commission and Recycle

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