'Freedom' Day

In light of 'freedom day' due to happen on the 19th of July, I thought I'd pop on here and give you a reminder that I too will need in the coming weeks: It is still ok to wear face masks (and safety measures alike) even when it's not mandatory to do so.

What I've come to learn in my grand old age of 22 is that even though rules are set it doesn't mean they're right. Now, this is a very bold statement so let me explain...

We've all been living in this coronavirus pandemic for over a year. What I've learnt has come from NHS sources as I've tried my best to get the correct information. So we know that the virus is easily spreadable and fast. We've learnt from government allowed advertisements that being in the open air reduces the risk of spreading the virus- although there's some debate about the air blowing it into our direction.

As it currently stands, July 19th is the date of most restrictions being lifted (please check from NHS and government sources for specifics). However, if wearing a mask is no longer a requirement, yet we know these protect us to a certain extent, it is still our right to wear them; Even if the shop we're walking into allows mask-less faces; Even if hand sanitiser is not provided walking into the shop, we can sanitize our hands so long as we have the hand sanitiser. One quite important scenario where we can wear our mask is even if everyone around us isn't wearing one. It's easy to feel uncomfortable not following suit, but this is your life, health, and decision.

I'm not saying the restrictions being lifted are wrong, I'm saying that as individuals we can continue to use what we've learnt this past year to keep us safe. I would hope that these choices would be respected when it comes to hospitality sectors too.
July 19th doesn't have to mean the end of restrictions for us as individuals.

- Wearing a face mask or PPE
- Using hand sanitiser walking in and out of places.
- Sticking to your bubble of people.
- Booking a holiday

If anything, we've learnt from last year how to keep up good hygiene. This doesn't need to end.

I hope this helps anyone feeling anxious about the upcoming weeks.
I also want to mention that this week I had my first dose of the vaccine. After feeling so anxious for months about this appointment, it ran very smoothly and was nowhere near as anxiety triggering as I thought it would be. If anyone is feeling anxious about the vaccine too, feel free to message me and I can share with you how it went.

Big love and keep safe,

Bud xx


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