I designed and created a Doctor Who Inspired Jacket!

  • Designed and created by Buddy Summer
  • Project Theme: Current Affairs
  • Textiles/ Fashion / Pattern Cutting / Strong Research
  • Gender-neutral fashion
  • Wearable textile art
  • Inspired by Doctor Who themes and the movement that occurred when Jodie Whittaker was the first female actress to take over a male-dominated role.
  • Featuring Japanese pattern cutting and 3D techniques
A little while ago I completed a project based on the theme of Current Affairs. At the time, Jodie Whittaker made history by becoming the first female Doctor in the long-running tv series Doctor Who. Being a Doctor Who fan whilst undertaking a fashion course, I made the most of my opportunities and artistic freedom and decided to make myself a Doctor jacket inspired by the series and movement. 

The overall aesthetic is the universe and galaxy, relating to the time travel in the show and the infinite possibilities you can feel with perspective. Personally, whenever I get overwhelmed or swept up in the stresses of life, I think of the galaxy and I'm given perspective- the realisation that the world is so much bigger. And suddenly that stress is just not worth it. Likewise, the galaxy and time travel holds magic and the idea that anything is possible. Like, for example, a female actress taking over the role traditionally played by a male. This jacket being fan-made presents the idea that anyone can be the Doctor- not limited to a fan embodying this spirit themselves. 

It was inspiring to see fans create their own Doctor jackets/costumes for Cosplay and the like.

Pattern Cutting- During the course of this project, I was experimenting with Japanese pattern cutting techniques which are astounding architectural pieces that you can put on and wear. They're amazing and I was particularly taken by a jacket, which I combined with other 3d pattern cutting techniques to form a Tardis on the breast; over the heart.

The series taught me that there were no rules and absolutely nothing wrong with straying from the black and white of tradition and so I kept this in mind when designing the jacket.

The jacket is gender neutral which means that it can be adorned by anyone of any gender. I ensured this by choosing a tailored pattern that didn't accentuate the natural curves of a female form. 

I applied the pattern to the fabric myself, through dying techniques. A happy accident occurred when the fading section of the stars all led to one point: the Tardis. I really like how arrows seem to expand outwards from the Tardis as if it's projecting energy. 

The Tardis- the time machine used by the doctor to travel through time; a prominent and very important symbol of the series.

I was really excited about tweaking the jacket pattern to form a 3D Tardis. I was inspired whilst learning the technique for a manner of shapes and I've ended up with a bold feature that works really well amongst the jacket and inspiration behind it. 

During my research, I spoke to many Doctor Who fans and I came to realise that everyone has their Doctor. Everyone has the Doctor that when they first watched and fell into an obsession with the show, they connected to their Doctor and their Tardis; which changes it's exterior subtly from Doctor to Doctor. For me, that is David Tennant; the tenth Doctor Who. When painting, I drew inspiration from the tenth Doctors Tardis. It was important to me to have aspects of my Doctor and therefore a part of me. Likewise, Jodie's jacket has features of herself, for example, the rainbow stripe ribbon on the lining edge links to her love of colour and a sense of hope she feels when seeing rainbows. Whilst the interior navy lining signifies the space she fell through in the first episode when she plummets to earth. 

Details- Fluid painting pieces have been secured with stitch all over the jacket in order to resemble the vibrant colours of the galaxy- An attractive feature of the jacket.

Featured along the right shoulder are pleats that I've manipulated to form the DNA shape; the figure of eight twisted structure. This refers to the Doctors ability to regenerate into different bodies.

A very small thirteenth Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) features, concealed hidden behind stars, as a reminder that it is ok and encouraged to stray from tradition; to experiment and be bold.


Because of some of the unorthodox embellishments featured on the jacket, it cannot be washed. It is a textile art piece. Although that being said, there is nothing to say that it can't be worn to events and occasions such as Cosplay or red carpet events. My dream would be to see this jacket featured in an exhibition. 


I am very proud of this jacket, happy that I got to delve into a show I loved as a youngin and I hope to make more glorious wearable textile art in the future.

As ever, thank you for reading. 

All the love and keep safe,

Buddy xx

PS: I please ask that you give credit when sharing any photographs of this jacket and take inspiration but not design.

Previous Post: Sculpting a Lily in clay


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