Fun Journal Writing Prompts for Book, Tv and Film Lovers

Very recently I've been trying out Journaling. For those reading that don't know what this is, it's essentially writing a small chunk of text responding to a prompt. I'll sit for 15-20 minutes and write the first thing that pops into my head and simply let the words spill out as I think them. 

I was inspired by someone I follow on Instagram and it has been very helpful for when I want to clear my mind. But it's also a good way of using up a notebook. For my first round of journaling, I've been using this gorgeous notebook given to me by my sister. You can't quite tell from the image but the front has a fabric type feel...

I thought it would be a good idea to create some of my own prompts to go to when I feel the need for a brain declutter and so I took to googling and I've ended up with a beautiful jar of origami stars, which hold inside a random prompt.

Since I found it a challenge to find fun and easy-going prompts, I've decided to share 30 that I've come up with. But first, here are a few journaling tips I've found helpful:

- Find a notebook you love, or that you've been saving for a perfect occasion. 

- Find a quiet space where you're comfortable and won't be interrupted.

- Aim to write for 15 to 20 minutes. When writing, you'll come to a natural end so don't fret if you haven't made it to 15 minutes or your going over. 

- Create a routine. I start by writing the prompt at the top (or sticking in the slip of paper if it's one of my own), write the date at the top, look at the time, have a think and write the first thing in my head.

- Give yourself a few moments to think of what to write. 

- If you're stuck, start by re-wording the question/prompt

- Tangents and change of opinions as you're writing are ok.

- There's no pressure for spelling, grammar or punctuation. 

- Make yourself a jar of stars. They're pretty and fun to make!

- Finally and most importantly, Just write. Let the words spill out onto the page and don't put any pressure on yourself...

30 Prompts:
1) Describe, without editing, the plot of Rachel from Friends (Tv, Friends)

2) Which faction would you belong in and why? What is your evidence for this? (Book, Divergent)

3) Draco Malfoys true intentions were on the side of good, Do you agree or disagree? (Book & Film, Harry Potter)

4) If the Doctor had more time with Rose Tyler in their final moments on the beach, how would the conversation go? (Tv, Doctor Who)

5) Write your favourite book character a letter. 

6) Ross and Rachel were on a break, do you agree or disagree? Why? (Tv, Friends)

7) Where do you like to read? Describe it

8) Who is Sophie's Biological Dad? (Film, Mamma Mia)

9) If you had the Delorean for 1 return trip, where would you travel to and what would you do? (Film, Back to the future)

10) If you could only watch one television series for the rest of your life, what would it be?

11) Who out of your family and friends are you most likely to volunteer for in the Hunger Games reaping? Describe them. (Book & Film, The Hunger Games)

12) Which Friends Character do you consider yourself most like? (Tv, Friends)

13) Describe the moment when you meet the Doctor for the first time. What happens? (Tv, Doctor Who)

14) Write a review of a film you've watched recently.

15) What really happened on Uncle Bryn and Jason's fishing trip? (Tv, Gavin and Stacey)

16) You've suddenly found yourself in Jumanji, what are your strengths and weaknesses? How will they serve you? (Film 2017, Jumanji

17) There was more to Effie and Haymitch's relationship than what meets the eye, do you agree or disagree? What's their story? (Book & Movie, The Hunger Games)

18) Which book character do you consider yourself most like?

19) Describe an underrated character and elaborate on their story.

20) SPOILER ALERT Nessa has just proposed to Smithy...What happens next? (Tv, Gavin and Stacey)

21) Describe, without editing, the plot of Rose Tyler. (Tv, Doctor Who)

22) What scene makes you cry each time you revisit it?

23) You have 1 minute to name as many Modern Family Characters as you can. Repeat for your top 10 books/ TV shows/ Films.

24) If you could save one character from a book, who would it be and how would their story be altered? 

25) What movie reminds you of a special time in your life? 

26) Eponine just had to get over her first love and then she could've met someone new. Thoughts? (Les Misérables)

27) Prim and Gale volunteer in place of Katniss and Peeta for the Hunger Games, what happens? (Book & Film, The Hunger Games)

28) Describe a moment in your life when you showed traits of each Hogwarts house; Gryffindor: Bravery, Hufflepuff: Loyalty, Slytherin: Cunning, Ravenclaw: Intelligence. 

29) Have you ever dreamt of a book, tv show or film? Describe it.

30) What is the wildest fan theory you've ever heard? What are your thoughts, could it be true? 

Have a go at one or more of these and if you haven't seen or read them, swap them for something you have seen/watched.

Writing a journal has helped me so much and I hope it helps anyone giving it a go. I guess it's similar to compartmentalizing; putting thoughts, opinions and memories into clear categories and putting them away in a drawer.
I sometimes find that I'm looking for an activity that doesn't require much thought but means I'm doing something and I produce a thing by the end of it. That's why some prompts included are centered around the information I know and that doesn't require too much thought.

Remember that no one has to read it and even you don't have to read it back yourself. It's for the benefit of you. 

If you have a go at any of the above prompts, please feel free to message me on Instagram about how it went!

Thank you for reading.

All the love and keep safe,

Buddy xx

Previous Post: Girl About the House: Lion Wreaths / Tutorial

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Please note that some Photographs do not belong to me however all GIFs and photo edits are original.

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