It's Ok

Collage by Buddy Summer

On my private Pinterest Page, I have a board named It's Ok. I use it to store saved images I find of outfits that I love and would love to wear but don't have the confidence to. My courage has gone as far as buying items of a similar style and wearing them in front of public eyes on the very rare and short occasion.

Exhibit A my wide leg high waisted trousers that I call my Harry styles trousers.

There's really nothing bizarre or extra about the clothes saved on my board but they are modern and so they feel like a stretch for me- someone who wouldn't necessarily name myself as cool.

Lockdown has really helped me feel more comfortable with wearing these big trousers- at all but out in public too. I love them because of their pattern, their breeziness, their comfiness and the fact that every now and then a photograph will pop up from a time gone past in history and the people in the picture will be wearing something similar. But mostly I love them because I'm comfortable in them with the fact that they give the impression of a skirt but there's the fabric between the legs, which feels comfier. 
(Full disclosure I'm not getting anything for talking about these trousers. They're posted on my 21buttons page which makes a percentage if anyone bought a product through my link but, to be honest, I don't post enough to get any kind of money anyway so it's just for the interested. -It's all about the honesty on this blog!)

Another special meaning I apply to It's ok is a little hard to explain but I'll give it a go. Essentially it's ok to be me. It's ok that I make a face when I put mascara on, It's ok that I can be a fussy eater, it's ok that I have strawberry blonde hair and pale skin, it's ok that I do things a little slower because I get anxious. 
It's ok that some people do things this way and I do them another.

I hear and read people saying do what's best for you but it's so rare that the message sinks in.

It's what I have to remind myself but what's so lovely is that when I do I hear my mum's sweet voice saying it to me. I also hear my college lecturer saying it's ok when I'm stressed that my work hasn't come out as I intended.

It's ok that I love watching nostalgic movies and tv shows, 
it's ok that I can be indecisive, it's ok that I'm not a partyer, it's ok that I love the colour pink, it's ok that there's not always a clear bracket I fit into, it's ok that I'd choose BBC Radio 2 over Capital, It's ok that it takes me a while to do my makeup sometimes, It's ok that I have freckles.
It's ok that I don't have thousands of followers on social media, or post a lot. It's ok when I don't like something the person next to me swears by, It's ok If I don't achieve anything in one day. It's ok to have fears and phobias. 
I wouldn't label myself as cool and I'm ok with that.

Life isn't always black and white, there's a wide grey section and that's where I can find myself. When options vary it's ok that I slide into the grey.

In anxious moments it's ok that I'm anxious, not ideal but I'm working on it and I'm going to be ok eventually.

I need a reminder and occasionally that reminder will need to be refreshed but that's ok too. It's ok it's ok it's ok.

I want to try and see myself through my eyes instead of the eyes of other people. I know this can come with age and I'm constantly catching myself out, but my goal is to live my life for me. I need to believe in myself a lot more and stop looking at the people next to me to see if I'm doing it right. Because if something isn't ok we have the answer.

Sometimes we all just need a moment to stop and look at our situation and realise in the grand scheme of things what feels so big can actually be really small. Like does wearing this outfit weigh as much worry as it will when we're old and looking back at vintage photos of ourselves looking glorious in what will probably be out of style?

It's a challenge but we're doing ok.


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