Sunshine, July and Daily Tangents #14 Moonlight

"Dancin' in the Moonlight
Everybody's feeling warm and bright 
It's such a fine and natural sight
Everybody's Dancin' in the Moonlight"


Hello and welcome to Sunshine, July and Daily Tangents. I am currently listening to a Jonas Brothers mix whilst attempting to start my day 14 blog post at a quarter to 11 at night. 

I have had a fairly busy day today. It started off slow then all of a sudden we got to clearing out bits and peices which took up the rest of the day- let me tell you: we made a dent. It feels good to clear things out and make space. I also discovered old photographs and negatives which feels like a jackpot! There were a lot of spiders I had to dodge, one even found its way onto my hand until I saw it, frantically waved my hand about and flung it off onto the floor next to me. 
There were items fit to be made into something new, others were thrown away or put aside to give to a new home- A little bit like Toy Story but not as cool!

My word today is moonlight and truly this isn't a difficult one. For a very long time, I've had a fascination with the moon. I love to look up at it during the night and sometimes even the day if I'm lucky to see it. Sometimes it can be immensely bright- even waking me up. Mostly its usually right before I go to sleep that I will see if I can find it hovering solo out the window. 

It amazes me that there is more out in the universe. The fact that there even is a universe and it's not just us is incredible. I can't properly imagine the galaxy as I can only picture it in a box- where it has an ending. I think I imagine it in this way because that's what we know; everything has an end in length and width. To picture something ongoing is somewhat impossible. 

Through the years I've picked up the skill of looking at the moon or photographs of it and being able to put things in perspective. If I'm feeling overwhelmed, and I remember to do this, I think of the galaxy and all of the breathtaking planets and colours, then I picture the moon, then the earth and ending on my situation. It not about decreasing the matter of the situation but putting in perspective and working out whether that worry is worth the worry when we are in a world created astonishingly and ever evolving. 
I remember thinking this when I took my exams and was waiting for my results, and focusing on the fact that things such as exams are what us humans on earth have given ourselves but they don't add up to the universe and keeping it going. Saying that I was really fearful of my results and the pressure of what I and the people around me put into it. -Sometimes the worry kicks in again but it just means was living. As one of my lectures say: worrying means you care.

Or with people, you meet people that feel above you and I try to think: we all live on this Earth, we are all really just equal to one another. 

Not only does the moon give perspective but for some it gives hope. There's something special about a part of the world you haven't gotten to yet and untangled of its confusions. Especially as an adult when you've explored and gotten to grips with so much.
I think the moon acts as a step away from reality and connects you to possibility. When the big wide world can greet you with a sensational image such as the Moon, why isn't it possible to achieve your goal or do that thing you desperately want to do?

And it's there every night for everyone to see and be reminded of that.

Also, how incredible that at any given time you can be sure that there is at least one other person looking at the moon at the same time as you? And you can still feel as if it's you and the moon alone...

Thank you very much for reading day 14 of my project. I will see you tomorrow with day 15: Baby

Buddy xx

Yesterdays Post: #13 Sway

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