My Pop Art Inspired Painting / Art

This time last year I was sharing with you some of my work from my then project; the Titanic. Since this year I can't really share what I'm creating exactly due to not wanting my final outcome to be seen (yet), I thought I'd share a painting from early on in my project.

This year I'm looking at Female Characters and the first artist I explored was Roy Lichtenstein. I created a painting from an image I took and used mark making techniques and collage to create a pop art style. I expanded on Lichensteins style and made the character more realistic rather than comic book-esc. By this I mean I let her keep her brown hair and tattoo. She is her own character with a unique combination of attributes.

At first, I wasn't all too happy with the painting, however (as per usual) once I got going and continued to work on it I found that actually I quite like it! I love the eyes and lashes, the dress, hair and the collage behind the drill. 

I've heard of this seven-stage creative process which goes something like:

1- 'I'm so excited to start this project. I have all these ideas and I'm ready to go'.

2- Working on it. Things are going well and some perhaps not too well.

3- 'Ooh I'm not too sure about this'

4- 'I hate it. This is the worst creation ever. I can't be an artist. The deadline is looming and I don't know what to do with my work now. 

5- 'oh. It's not too bad'. Things start to go well, you've made a step to fix any issues and you've taken a breather. 

6- 'I love it! it's the best thing I've ever made!'

...I realise that here there are only 6 but hopefully, you get my point. At this point in my project, I would say that I'm in the doubt stage. I have things I like but things have definitely gone wrong. I'm rolling with it.

Side Note: this week I found another version of this process on Instagram. This is created by @thejarofsalt and I was very excited to have it pop up on my feed after writing this post. Very relevant, Very now. 

Thank you to my glamorous model!

As ever, thank you for reading this weeks blog post! 

All my love,

Buddy Summer xx

Where to find me:


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