Hello. Is There Anybody Out There?

Hello. Is there anybody out there? I holler like the man at the end of Titanic.

Hello all. My name is Buddy Summer and I would like to ask a question. I would like to know, quite frankly, if there is anyone out there in the world of the internet who has visited my blog before? 

I have been running this blog since the start of this year and I absolutely love it. And not just like a thrown out there comment, I truly love my blog. I love writing blog posts, checking the first draft, clicking publish and having my words not just in front of my own eyes. I love planning what I'm going to post next (albeit not as much planning as I would like to) and getting inspired.

I think about this blog A LOT and now I'm writing this a thought comes to mind:
When I was little I would watch Hilary Duff (my old school fav) on The Perfect Man writing her blog and I desperately wanted to be like her. Around this same age, I had a little notebook in which I would take notes and interview my family members and promise to put them into a magazine (that magazine never came about). I would even make up songs (some I still remember) and stories. Then a little bit later, I watched Julie & Julia and craved the idea of keeping up a blog of exciting things I'm passionate about.
Now at this age, I want to become an author and, as my bios go: 'a professional creative person'. Also, I now have my own blog which is awesome!

So what I'm saying is that I love this blog wholeheartedly, I would love to know if there are readers out there who love/like/enjoy/quite like- feel any positive emotion towards my treasured blog, at this stage of my blogging journey? as cringey as the term 'blogging journey' sounds.

If there are any of you who have visited this space of the internet before, please don't be shy to say hello. Say hello on this here post in the comments (if it works, it can be temperamental) or a 'Bonjour' on my twitter @buddysummerart. 

Lots of love,

Buddy Summer x

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