Girl About the House - Week 2

For historical purposes, If you're a history student 50 years in the future and wanting an insight into these crazy times, this is a diary from my second week of the UK lockdown...

Day 7 (Monday 30th March)
Second walk of the lockdown- I smiled at people lots today. It felt like a bit more of a normal everyday walk before the know. 

Catching up with my technical file. As I've mentioned briefly before, a Technical File is a folder of techniques that you've learnt with written steps, personal notes and physical samples. It's for future reference when you have an idea and want to look for the best technique to make it a reality. And also if you're utterly and completely stumped- you've hit a wall with your creativity and you want some inspiration. Today I sorted through samples I've made and organised them onto pages; cutting, trimming and neatening them up. Today was for my personal use rather than because I needed to.

Made a painting for a thank you post to the NHS...

A film I watched today: Freaky Friday (2003)

Day 8 (Tuesday 31st March)
This morning I woke up to bread delivered to the front doorstep by a family member. A random act of kindness that makes my heart warm.

Weather: Sunny in the morning, Cloudy by the afternoon.

Today was a tidy and organise kind of day. I picked one area of one room of the house and tried to think rationally about if I a) wanted it, b) would use it/ could find a use for it and c) if someone else would get more enjoyment out of it. I managed to find some treasures that brought me nostalgia...

- A bright yellow Ocarina (remember them?). It hasn't been used since my school days and I'm not likely to pick up that very instrument again. Keep: obviously.

- A Barbie radio that I adored so much as a child.

-  Old schoolbooks, including an artbook from year 8

- Birthday cards through the years, including a card from a friend at Junior school. It makes me smile every time I find it...

...It's the afterthought of crossing out 2nd best friend and changing it to third. I will cherish this forever. Very Cute.

- A 'Fancy Fashions' stencil kit. I loved this when I was younger and would make a booklet of little fashion illustrations. How it works is that there's a little drawer with plastic illustrations cut up into strips of the body (I.e. hair, face, bodice etc). The details are embossed so that when you secure them underneath the pink frame with paper over the top, the illustrations are transferred to paper using a black oil pastel. 

- A Doctor Who scrapbook/folder full of magazine cuttings and posters.

- An OG Jonas Brother Poster! I remember this poster on my wall so vividly.

- A Rubix Cube

- Hama Beads! I used to love doing these.

Today's film: Over Her Dead Body

Day 9 (Wednesday 1st April)
Weather: sunny then cloudy

Continued to tidy this morning and managed to clear an entire drawer which made me feel good. 

Painting furniture. During the sunnier parts of the day, I hopped on board the idea of giving a cupboard a makeover. We used light purple paint which is what we found in the shed and a smallish cupboard. 

...Later we added a back to it which means that whatever's put on the shelves won't fall off.


I started to upgrade my Rubiks cube in the evening. This Rubix cube, in particular, has colours represented on stickers whereas I think nowadays the individual cubes are coloured in a set of 9? Quite clearly from the picture below, I used to peel off each sticker and place them all on the same side of the cube- I couldn't work out how to win. This meant that some of the stickers had fallen off over the years, losing there stick, therefore I decided to reapply my own set of colours in paint. This evening I simply started by painting the entire cube white as a base for my colours.

Today's film: Yes Man
Evening Read: Eve Of Man (for the second time)

Day 10 (Thursday 2st April)
Weather: Sunny

Something I read recently was that a fact history students are going to have to remember for exams in the future is that in the year 2020 toilet roll featured in bulk in homes across the UK- and perhaps the world. This is crazy. 

Walk. On these walks, something I find really challenging is what to do when two parties of people are walking towards each other. There's always an awkward moment of Who's going to move first and where? Recently there was a dilemma where a dad was running with a buggy and a dog attached to a lead attached to the buggy. He stood one side of a wide path chatting to two ladies stood the other side. They both faced inwards to the path and were stood roughly 2 metres apart; the government guideline distance. Us walking towards them, we could only break there 2 metres- either that or stand awkwardly to one side and wait for them to finish. They weren't showing any sign of moving as really there was nowhere for them to go. We waited for a moment and walked through.
Things like this are something I never considered before and it's consumed my brain for the past week and a half. I think we were ok as there was still a good distance but these awkward dilemmas pop up on every other walk. 

Started making a tailored pencil skirt made up of my own measurements...

At 8pm it was time for the second #ClapForOurCarers Clap for NHS workers and key workers for working so hard during this difficult time. This time I stood further out from the door to see the street clap and it was so so lovely.
8pm wasn't as dark as I thought it was going to be. 

Today's film: Bedtime Stories

Day 11 (Friday 3st April)
Weather: Sunny

Today's film: A Quiet Place. I watched this film in the middle of the day and felt so inspired by the story that for pretty much the rest of the day I sat and wrote an analysis- as high as my excitement has got recently. I actually found this really fun and surprisingly therapeutic to write down all of my ideas and thoughts about the film. I love getting that excited feeling when I feel inspired. Blog Post coming soon.

Emailed an old Teacher with a catch-up message and a Thank You which was really lovely.

More of the Rubix cube. The white needed another coat.

Day 12 (Saturday 4st April)
Weather: Sunny. We've been really lucky with the weather for the past few days. It's as if mother nature is trying to lift our spirits. 

Walk. Here comes another walk story: Walking around a corner means that often your view of who's coming in the opposite direction is obscured. When this happened today I had my usual inward awkward panic and tried to walk as close to the hedge of greenery a much as I could. It was either walk into the hedge or the road. Without a little path to step into, both parties walked about a metre away from each other.
Obviously, this was a challenge for all involved but what felt a slightly irritating was when the others don't make any effort to move to one side or offer any friendliness. Mostly on these walks, everyone is friendly and people will step to the side, cross the road, stop, smile or say hello. On a rare occasion, this doesn't happen.
What I find that helps me is smiling to others and saying thank you or hello. It creates a togetherness feel and it's human interaction with people other than who you live with.

Earlier in the week, I had found Hama beads and I felt that this evening was the perfect time to dive back into this old love. Twenty-One year old me enjoyed it nearly quite as much as eight year old me. The only difference is I don't have quite the same blase attitude with colours and patterns as I once had- I doubt what I make which is really silly because it's Hama Beads and it's fun. 

Truthfully, I can't remember what I did this Saturday. The days go past so quickly and my sitting down and reflecting on life moments take up the whole day apparently!

Today's films: Camp Rock 1 and Dear John

Day 13 (Sunday 5st April)
Weather: Sunny


Ironed my skirt pieces and Hama bead creations. 

Today's film: The Guernsey literary and potato peel pie society.
I had never seen this film before but wanted to for a long time. I really enjoyed it. At first, I wasn't convinced but when I found that there was a mystery element to it I loved it and was hooked to the whole film.

As always, Thank you for reading.

Buddy xx

Previous Post: Girl About the House - Thank You NHS!
First instalment: Girl about the House Week 1

Where to Find Me: 
21 Buttons (Fashion)

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