Commissions and Keepsakes / Art

Over the years, I have been lucky enough to be invited into the behind the scenes of special events and asked to make little somethings. Such things include bunting, memory blankets, a wedding bouquet along with little flowers for the groom's party, Christmas decorations, paintings, little hearts, phone cases and many more that I either can't remember as there's no photographic evidence or I've just made a lot of stuff over the years; creative education and all!

Said occasions range from weddings to birthdays to everyday random gifts. 

I've been on the side of the very hush-hush secret surprises which is a role I've grown very fond of. It gives me so much happiness to make things for other people as those things then hold meaning and it's very often something very special. It's a very wonderful thing to be trusted- and essentially be majorly complimented- on my ability and what I make. 

Often I'm approached with the individual asking if I know how to make a certain item. This leads to trying out something that I never thought of or may have crossed my mind but I never had the self-motivation to make and that's the item I continue to work on. 

The most recent commission I've worked on is two denim jackets, each decorated with either the Union Jack or the Flag of the United States. These were given as wedding gifts for the Bride and Groom who were from these places. The now wedded couple have these jackets to wear anytime and remind them of their special day but also celebrate these two places being brought together.

This next one is a bouquet I made for a bride on her wedding day. I made it out of Harry Potter books and using her colour scheme. We had many chats about the day and what she wanted which meant that I was able to get the sence of what she would like. The wedding was Harry Potter themed so using the books added that extra bit of magic. She was very pleased and even asked me to make smaller flowers for the groom's party! 

I was really touched to be trusted with making this bouquet for such a special day.

You would be surprised to hear that an avid reader cut up book pages but surprisingly I didn't have as many qualms- if any at all!

I won't share the photo as it is very special to the bride but here is an example of one of the two types of flowers that were incorporated...

The next commission I'd like to share is bunting. Of course, I had to include this item that I've been asked to make for the longest time! I must say I've improved a lot since my early days of commissions- which started from when I was 13 (I am now 21). 

Bunting (2014) Request: Colours

 Bunting (2014) Request: Colour palette and florals

Bunting (2016) Wedding Decoration. Request: Colours text and theme

 Bunting (2016) Wedding decoration. Request: Specific colours/ Ribbon corresponding to the invitations. Design agreed by Bride and Groom

Bunting (2016) Request: Colours

Bunting (2019) Request: Colours and pattern

Memory quilts, if you haven't heard, are quilts or blankets made out of old clothes. I've made two in my time and they've both been made out of baby clothes that the child has grown out of. It feels a little bit like a maths equation figuring out how best to fit all of the baby grows, t-shirts and mini dungarees and I absolutely love it. The end result is a blanket of memories to have as a throw or display any way you wish...

Memory Quilt (2018)

This brings me to the last keepsake I'd like to share in this blog post. I was asked to paint a hedgehog Patronus and that's exactly what I did...

A Harry Potter inspired painting in acrylic paint.

Thank you very much for reading today's post. I will be back soon


Buddy xx

Previous Post: Seeing the Jonas Brothers Happiness Begins Concert!

Where to Find Me: 
21 Buttons (Fashion)

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