Recently I've Been...

Recently I've been......*Sung to the tune of Obviously by Mcfly*

I've been a bit slack lately with the ol' blog. That's not for the lack of trying and wanting to blog- my mind has been with you and In fact, I have blog posts written but actually getting to upload and finding the time to create visuals for said posts has been challenging. There's been a lot going on and when your energy is being poured into so many other things, somewhere amongst the chaos, a ball is dropped in the juggle; and unfortunately, the ball was making content for my blog. 

However, today as I write this (Wednesday the 2nd of October) I've had an alright day with a little bit of progress, a little bit of quiet and a not so little amount of painting. Besides, I've missed my lovely little blog and I've made the decision to give it some love. 

I've given myself some time to have a little catch-up... a calm moment to sit back and reflect on some of the madness of the last three weeks. 

Here we go...

So these weeks have been all about colour and on the 19th I did some dying. Full disclosure I was practising a new process of which I wouldn't be able to recount to you all, even with the promise of chocolate if I did. I'll get there... I hope. 

On the 21st I had a day out and decided to do some drawings in the sunshine. I visited a place I've never been to before and it was a lovely day out with my mum. It's one of those beautiful places that is impossible to take a bad photograph of. The huge house was stunning in the sunshine and the grounds were gorgeous- I'm not usually taken by things like this but I was amazed.

The next week was spent creating a series of drawings; continuous line, drawing standing up, drawing at eye level and with watercolour.

Then on the Friday, I started to make a colour Palette. The palette started to turn out Gryffindor -esc and after a bit, I changed them round to find a palette I love.

Mark-making followed before collages and then today I began mixing up more colours for crafts. I started the day reading Harry Potter and this was my view...

It's been a beautiful day of colours and so I now give you a series of paint Photography:

Thank you for reading today's post and bear with me, there are posts in the pipeline but they may take a little bit of time.

All my love,
Buddy xx

Previous Post: Motherhood Pre-Motherhood #5- The magic of cuddles (A very special post <3)

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