Sunshine, July and Daily Tangents #7 Dashing
Hello, happy Sunday and welcome to Sunshine, July and Daily Tangents day 7. This is the seventh blog post of July which means that we've made it to one week. One week worth of various random topics and creativity!
Update of yesterdays sunburn: It progressed into the evening of yesterday and caused me to have my own personal heatwave *thumbs up*. The strip of red down the front of my legs has calmed down since yesterday but oh my- that was a lot to handle.
Today's word is Dashing.
When I think of the word Dashing, the visual of stunning Reindeers sprinting across the sky springs to mind. I think of running and of all the times I've had to run around the house to get ready or speed up to catch a train. I picture dapper men in smart suits and slick hair on a red carpet.
What I didn't know is that the word can mean to strike or propel something in order to cause destruction.
I think it's interesting how this word can have many meanings that all equal to quite the opposite of subtle. Beauty and speed have the ability to attract attention and this can be a positive or negative thing depending on the situation.
Let's go with the positive... actors on the red carpet, specifically male, are often described as dashing and that's because they exude a certain type of confidence. It's a: I have my stuff together kind of confidence. They present a classic persona in the smart suit and tie that immediately means they are filling a character, even if day to day they don't feel like how they do on the red carpet. It's their energy that captures attention, also.
I think we can all relate to this when we dress up fancy and really make an effort to achieve that timeless look. Clothes are amazing and I love how certain things can make you feel a certain way. Personally, I find that what I wear and feel comfortable in changes daily. One day I could feel confident and myself in my favourite jumper whereas other days I could feel completely wrong in it. When you find the right thing that you a) feel comfortable in and b) feel yourself in, It's amazing the energy you exude.
I love the idea of Comic-con and fans dressing up as beloved characters, entering into the shoes of that superhero, Princess, cartoon character, book character- anyone they want from a story. These cosplayers inhibit a role that makes them feel a certain way. They attract attention because of their awesome costumes but also because of the attraction surrounding the story of that well-known personality. Becoming that character recreates that energy.
I think what I'm saying is that the traits of being dashing- the I have my stuff together confidence- are inside everyone. They seem to be brought out in clothing and appearance but they are always there.
I'm going to leave you with a painting of mine from about a year ago of a Stag Patronus from Harry Potter. This mesmerising animal is a male deer that exudes elegance, beauty and confidence. Harrys Patronus is dashing visually and in speed. The stag makes an appearance when Harry is perhaps at a weak moment but summons the strength to produce this animal.
The stag captures my attention because he is a part of Harry constantly but only appears every now and then. Therefore Harry always has this 'i have my stuff together' confidence but is only reminded of it on occasion.
Thank you very much for reading day 7 of Sunshine, July and Daily Tangents. I will be back tomorrow with day 8: Princess.
See you tomorrow!
Buddy Summer xx
Yesterdays Post: #6 Bewildered
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