Bear With Me

For the next few months, I am going to be a very busy lady working on a very big and important project. Let's rip the plaster off; this means that there may not be a blog post every week. Truly, it makes me sad to have to let my blog sit for a while but I'm aware of how important the project is and just how overwhelmed I tend to get. 

This is not saying that there won't be any posts nor that there will be one every week. I hope to post at least a couple between now and the end of the project but if that's possible? I don't know. 
The posts may be a little slow going. They may not occur on a Saturday; example A, this post is delivered on a Sunday. 

I know myself well enough to understand that the promise of one blog post between now and then is still a lingering task, and paired with all of these wonderful creative things, will take me from about a 20 (in this moment) to 100 in stress levels. 

Often a break from one thing works as regeneration and you return full of creativity, love, enthusiasm and passion. A very wise and wonderful lecturer once told me "Our bodies are machines and we need to give them a rest every now and then". Of course, when she told me this my response was "but I have so many things I need to do". On the contrary to my response, I completely agree with her and I understand that it's important for your mind to clear, not to let your body and mind run down so low your out or energy and artistic thought.

I get this thing I like to call "Project Brain". It's when I'm so deep in a project and my mind is fully invested so much so that every thought I have relates or connects spontaneously and I struggle to think of the little solutions. It's a lot like baby brain- so similar in fact that I would say it is but most definitely is not. 

Sometimes even a quick break acts as fuel. A couple of times I've come back from the loo and find that in that short time I've come up with an idea or creative solution. Or I will have a chat with someone and feel enthusiastic about a topic or we've sprung new ideas. Two brains (or more) can do that. If you find people that have the ability to talk passionately and always make you feel enthusiastic even when you thought you didn't need it, do not let them go.

I'm going to leave you with some collages I made in my first year of college. They remind me of the sunshine which I am very much enjoying at the moment.

I will still be posting on Instagram so if you miss me, you know where to go: Here
If you really miss reading my blog posts, there are 66 others for you to catch up on!

Bear with me and I will be back before long.

All my love, Buddy Summer xx

Where to find me:

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