Shades of Orange/ Tangent

On Sunday the 7th of October I went Pumpkin picking for the first time in my life. Myself and my Mum made our way to a Pumpkin farm (Farm? Feild?) and got ourselves two very big Pumpkins. It was a beautifully sunny day, so why not?

I don't really have a big explanation for why I haven't gone Pumpkin picking before, It's just something I've never done. This year, however, I was very motivated to try my hand at practising the art of Pumpkin Carving. I am very much looking forward to hand-rendering a design into the beautiful shades of orange.

Arriving at the farm (Farm? Feild?), we were faced with a full car park and plenty of families preparing to pick their new Pumpkin/ take pictures of their child sat in a box of Pumpkins. We made our way through the shop and started to follow the crowds of people. I was quite sure that we wouldn't be needing a wheel-barrow- they're for the kids, right? and we would only be needing one Pumpkin. Not long after reaching the field of what looked like those plastic orange balls you find in a ball pit scattered across a field, I made the walk of shame back to the collection of wheel-barrows.

Oddly, the field reminded me of Recess- the cartoon I used to watch as a child; I guess this is the only link my brain can find to pumpkins?

There were big ones, there were tall ones. There were small ones and deflated ones. There were so many great Pumpkins, which is why I ended up with two; I just couldn't decide. I would take a look at one and then see another a little far off and then that one would have worms on it so I would discover another. And of course, I wanted to take a look at all that was on offer so I guided my wheel-barrow to the end of one half of the field before deciding to get the first two I had kept close at all times.
We made our way towards the direction of the till and made a quick detour to the strawberries- which, let me tell you, smelt lovely! 
The entire day I would pause and turn to whoever I was with to say "I'm so excited for the new Doctor Who!". And I really was! I felt so at peace in that Pumpkin field, it felt like a good day.

At the very end of my very good day, I got settled on the sofa with my duvet and pillow, pyjamas and chocolate (chocolate Oreo bites- delish!) to get comfortable, ready for the new episode of Doctor Who. I didn't have time to even begin to think about preparing a Pumpkin for carving, I wanted to make sure that I was not rushing around before the countdown for Jodie Whittaker's debut of Doctor Who ran out.

Thank you for reading! Happy October x


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