Burnt The Brownies/ Baking

But don't they look lovely!

On Monday the 10th of September I made brownies for the first time in my life, but more importantly, I baked: by myself. Full disclosure I had a little help from a lovely assistant but mostly I was rocking around the kitchen on my own with Harry Potter and The Philosophers Stone happily chatting in the background.

The ingredients I used:

  • 3 eggs
  • 100ml of milk
  • 150g self-raising flour
  • 125g dark chocolate
  • 175g honey
  • 150g maple syrup
  • 100g unsalted butter
  • 50g cocoa powder
.....ish. For a couple ingredients, I went a wee bit over.

Tips I've learnt:
  1. When lining the tin with Harry Potter paper (aka parchment paper) leave the paper sticking out at the sides to make it easier to lift the brownies out at the end.
  2. To test how much the brownies have been cooked, poke the centre with a knife. The knife will be dressed in melted brownie if the mixture hasn't cooked.

For this baking session, I followed a recipe from Davina McCall's cookbook: Davina's 5 Weeks to Sugar-free. Note that some of the ingredients I used are different from what's stated in the recipe. This is simply because I couldn't find the exact ingredients in the shop.

I ended up baking the brownies for 40 minutes when the recipe called for 15. Not sure but this may have been the reason for the very cooked outside. 


Burnt sections aside, I quite enjoyed the result from my first attempt at baking brownies. They are gooey in the middle which is my exact preference in these chocolate-loving treats.


"The burnt bits were, well burnt but I didn't know it was more healthy as it tasted so nice"

Well. Thanks for reading about my first attempt at making brownies. Next: I plan to make more until I can confidently add brownie making to my list of talents. Thank you for reading!


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